Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Independent Reading Question for Friday, March 20, 2020

What is the most interesting thing or quality you know about the main character of your book? Explain why using relevant textual evidence.


  1. The most interesting quality of the main character in the book is how wise Hazel is. In page 265 , " Augustus waters did not die after a lengthy battle with cancer. he died after a lengthy battle with human consciousness, a victim-as you will be- of the universe's need to make and unmake all that is possible." This demonstrates, that Hazel is wise she says that it was not the cancer that killed him but the will of the universe that can make and unmake everything in this world and that we will all be victims of the universe.

    1. Isabela- That is a very thoughtful insight into the character of Hazel. I love the quote you included. It's such a sad story but there is so much to learn about life through the story of Hazel and Augustus.

  2. The most interesting quality of the main character in the book is how interesting Hazel is and how she continue her life happy even though she was diagnosed with cancer. And also I can tell that she is in love with Augustus because she says, " “I fell in love like you would fall asleep: slowly and then all at once.” “He flipped himself onto his side and kissed me. "You're so hot," I said, my hand still on his leg." Also Hazel is now devistated becasue Augustus dies but right after she finds out she is pregnant big shocker! Then almost at the end still not done yet the book later he reveals that recent test results lit like a Christmas tree means his cancer found to be spread in whole body and he finally dies due to osteosarcoma.
    - Camilo Munoz Cardenas (Not Chris Sanchez)

    1. Camilo- Isabela mentioned the same thing about Hazel. She is a very wise person. There are also many life lessons to be learned from this book and how both characters decided to live despite such a devastating diagnosis.

  3. The most interesting thing about my character Jerome is that he never hateÅ› anyone. In pg ¨No I don´t hate your dad.¨ This shows that even though Sarah´s dad killed Jerome he doesn´t hate her dad. He doesn´t believe in hate.

    1. Interesting point about the character in your book. Who is this? (student) Which book are you reading?

    2. Gabriel Bracamonte

  4. The most interesting quality of the main character how he wanted to stand up for his cousin elliot, "to watch how grandpa treated him made me furious." this shows that robert wants to stand up cousin against his bully grandfather but unable to.

    1. Melanie, you make an interesting point about your character. Please remember to capitalize people's names in the future.

  5. The most interesting quality of my main character in Tears of a Tiger by Sharon M.Draper is how caring Andy is. For an example, "I should be the one dead not Rob."(Draper 39). This demonstrates that Andy would rather him to be dead his best friend and for someone to say that it shows he really cares for Rob. This also demonstrates how softhearted he is because he is blaming everything that happened on him. In conclusion this proves that the main character Andy is caring and overthinks about how his best friend died.

    1. Nicole, nice job explaining your ideas. I can tell by your example that your character does have a selfless trait about him.

  6. The most interesting quality about the main character , Dicey in my book Dicey's Song is how she is stubborn when you first meet her. She doesn't let people get close to her and has a hard outer shell. She actually doesn't really hate the idea of having a friend. In the text on page 84 it states "You want to come by my house?" Mina asked. "Can't" Dicey replied. "You sure are a hard person to be friends with Dicey Tillerman." Dicey kept saying no to Mina trying to talk to her and invite her places and didn't know why someone wanted to be friends with her. She kept trying to keep pushing Mina away from trying to be her friend but eventually Mina got her way and they started to be close friends.

    1. Shayla, nice job explaining your character's trait. The example you provide clearly demonstrates her stubbornness. Are you like this? Do you know others who are like this?

    2. Shayla, interesting point about your character Dicey and her stubborn behavior. We have talked about this before, but since you are now into the second book with the same character, do you see a change in Dicey's stubborn behaviors? Is she more or less stubborn? How do you know?

  7. The most interesting quality of the main character in the book is how Melody just wants to keep studying and how she wants to get smarter. In the book on page 176 it says, "I wanted to study for as long as I can...". This tells us that Melody wants to be really smart and does not want to give up. There are people in her class that bully her because she can't talk, and so she wants to try and show them how she really is smart by getting a A on the next text.

    1. sorry I forgot to put my name.
      Paige Megletti

    2. Paige, I like the example you provided. In some ways I think you are like your main character. I see how hard you work so that you can be successful!

    3. Paige- This book is one of my favorites. Melody is such an amazing character and you can learn so much about life in the way she deals with all the obstacles she faces on a daily basis.

  8. The most interesting quality of the main character in my book On The Come Up is that Bri is sedulous. For example "And there's Maliks's secret footage of the Clerk we can show it out to everyone in the video..." (pg Thomas,278). That shows that Bri is willing to get everyone to understand why she made the song. She is done with people accusing her of making a song "she shouldn't have" she willing to do anything she can like show the videos of her getting jumped to get people to understand why she made the song in the first place.

  9. Replies
    1. Daniela, I like your example that you use from the text. Not sure what the word "sedulous" is supposed to be. Did you mean "serious'?

  10. The most interesting quality about the main character is that Justyce is caring. According to the text, "I can't do that, Mel. There's no way you'll make it home if you drive yourself." (Stone 6). Based on this information Justyce is offering his drunk ex girlfriend home but she doesn't want to be with him. This shows he is caring because even after the break up he still cares about her and wants to drive her home so she doesn't get hurt. Overall Justyce is a caring person because of his actions with offering his ex girlfriend a ride home since she's drunk.

  11. ^^Janelle Sepulveda

  12. Janelle- You are reading Dear Martin right? It's such a great book. Justyce is a very caring person and as you get more into the book you will see more examples of this.

  13. The most interesting thing about the main character in my book is how Julia always showed loyalty to her friends and her boyfriend. On page 74 it states - Eric:"When can I see you again?" Julia:Friday Night? I can't its a girls night at Melisa's. Eric: Girls night, that's what girls do when they don't have boyfriends right? You don't have to go do you? Julia: I'm not gonna ditch my friends." This shows that even though Julia and her boyfriend Eric want to meet up, Julia will not ditch her friends because of it. Also, in page 131, the book states "You know that fight outside the club? Marie told me the Real Live Ni**** were gonna jump Eric. So I warned him." At this part of the book, Julia and Eric have already broken up but this text explains that Julia is always loyal to her boyfriend even though that they are no longer in a relationship.
    Nathan Z. Romero
    Mrs. Schaefer Mrs. Harvey
    Period 1-2

    1. Nathan- Nice job with your post. What book are you reading again?

  14. Chris Sanchez

    The most interesting thing about the main character in Take down is how smart Darren is. On page 2-4 it says, " I slipped into the alley and whispered into my cell, Its on Pup's approaching car... Sirens wailed, and three cop cars streaked in from all sides... Pup put an impressive fight, but it only got him zapped by a taster... I smiled seeing pup get arrested... Pup's arrest was just the beginning." This proves he's is smart because he took down one of the greatest dug dealers in the town.

    1. Sanchez- Nice job on your post. I appreciate that you gave us the title of the book (except it should be capitalized- both words). Your example is a good one that supports the thought that Darren is smart.

  15. The most interesting quality about the main character Vianne in my book, Nightingale, is her mental power and strength to push through so much. Viannes had to overcome many challenges including miscarriage and her father abandoning her. In the text it states,"She wanted to bottle how safe she felt in this moment, so she could drink of it later when loneliness and fear left her parched... Remember this, she thought. The way the light caught in his unruly hair, the love in his brown eyes, the chapped lips that had kissed her only an hour ago, in darkness."(Hannah 20). Vianne was attempting to hold onto whatever memory she has left of her husband before he goes off to the war he got drafted for. Vianne's mentally preparing herself for whatever the future may hold for her family.-Melanie B

    1. Melanie- I love your post. This is such a great book. It gets really intense as you get further into in. The dynamic between the two sisters is so interesting. I agree when you stated that Vianne is a very strong person. I think she feels she has no choice because she has her children to worry about. Keep reading!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This is Laurie's post: The main character in my book is Finch. You would think Finch is just an ordinary teenage boy with an ordinary family. But in reality Finch lives a life with many flaws. The story states," Don't mind your father, Theodore; he's just in one of his moods. Give him time to settle down, and he'll be fine."(Niven, 159). This is an example that Finch's father seems to get in moods. and His mother tries to tell him that everything is fine even though Finch knows his father isn't fine. Finch tries to talk to him but one ends up getting hurt and it's Theodore.

    1. Laurie, I can see that Finch does not live an ordinary life with the examples you provided. I wonder how he will deal with these obstacles?

  18. Miguel Cuon

    The book I'm reading is called "The Devil's Cave". The main character Bruno is this cop in France that explored something he shouldn't have had. He interests me by how stable he really is in the book. The story states, "But its tenor was disturbing, denouncing a farmer whom Bruno knew only slightly for brutally beating his wife. It was a crime he detested, but one that frequently complicated his life." (Walker 23). This quote gives you and idea on how deranged Bruno's mind was at the time.

    1. Miguel, I am confused because at one point you say he is stable and then say he is deranged. I would need you to explain this more clearly so that I can understand the point you are making. Thank you for sharing your response.

  19. Andres Orlando

    The main charcters in my book are Bunny Thompson Nasir Blake two friends that love playing basketball and just want a better furture for them from playing this sport my favorite thing about my main charcters are how they dont give up on there dreams and push them self to be a better then everyone else like for example on pg 13 "Nasir and I must have made this walk together a millon times throughout the year one of us would play offense and the other defense as we went up the sidewalk if the defender could steal the ball then we'd switch" that example shows how they would even practice to be better while do everyday things.

    1. Andres, you have great points in your response, however, please remember to use periods. Your whole response is one long sentence.

  20. Daniel-The interesting thing about Darren is a smart drug dealer that keeps all his dealing. He keeps his family and friends safe from all the danger. The only reason he is dealing is so he can bring down Dimond tony himself to stop the drug transactions.

  21. The Main character in my story is a big hearted and might not show it but cares about every one. Even when Tod finds a different type of genders human that he never seen before who isn't like him and doesn't have the same curse that every on has in is town he still helps her out. Also in the begging of the story Tod did not like his dog and said it out loud but he still really cares about him.Also he has one of his brothers but after he get drived out of his town he cant stop thinking what happened to him. As you just saw Tod might not tryed to be kind hearted but he cant help it.
